The Valley of Heart's Delight


Bio- Sawyers

  Industry, frugality and perseverance have been leading traits of character in the career of Alphonse J. Maisonneuve, who has been engaged in the mill business in California for the past thirty years. Born December 16, 1871, in Kankakee, Ill., he is a son of Paul Maisonneuve, who also was engaged in milling. Both father and mother were natives of Montreal, Canada, removing to Illinois during their early marred life. The mother, Julia Lougtin, passed away after their removal to Kansas, when Alphonse J. was a baby. The second marriage united him with Miss De Lima Paradise, who was also a native of French Canada and came to the state in the early '60s. She proved to be a mother to the orphan boy and his brother Paul, who now resides in Oakland.

  Mr. Maisonneuve's early education was obtained in the public schools of Kansas, but as early as 1886, when only fifteen years of age, he set out for himself to earn his own way in the world, His first job was in a large flouring mill near Marshall, Minn., and where he remained for two years. In 1888 he removed to California, settling in Ventura County, where he only remained for a year. In 1901 he settled in San Jose, establishing a home a 356 South Ninth Street, but now lives at 121 Vine Street.

  In 1895 Mr. Maisonneuve was married to Miss Elizabeth Delaney, born in County Manchester, England, coming to America with her grandmother in 1883. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Maisonneuve: Aileen M. the wife of R. C. Kenter, residents of Santa Cruz; Joseph , and ex-service man, who served in the U. S. Navy during the World War, was second gunner's mate, and was for over three years in the Asiatic station; Elsie E.; Cecil, wife of Sheldon E. Crawford of San Jose; and Carmela. The children were all educated at St. Mary's and St. Joseph's schools. Fraternally Mr. Maisonneuve is an active member of the Woodmen of the World, serving as the manager of Alamo Camp No. 80 of San Jose, and is also a member of Eagles No. 8, Gowonga Tribe of Redmen and Neighbors of Woodcraft, and Millmen's Union No. 262. Politically he is a consistent Republican.

  In 1914 Mr. Maisonneuve owned and operated the Fourth Street Planing Mill, and constantly employed sixteen men; however, in 1917, he disposed of his business with the intention of engaging in the ice and cold storage business, but on account of the restrictions of the Government, he was unable to get a permit for such a business. He then assumed the superintendency for Shirley & Sons Planing Mill, who were formerly his partners. He has always been liberal with time and money for movements for improvements, and is recognized as a progressive and enterprising citizen. He believes in the future of Santa Clara County, and has never had occasion to regret his determination to settle here.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1403