Bio-Pen Pictures

deceased, was born in New York city, in 1827. But little is known of his boyhood, excepting that when very young, fond of adventures and disliking parental restraint, he went to Florida, where, during the Seminole War, he was a message boy for army officers.  When fourteen years of age he returned to New York city, where, when eighteen, he enlisted in the Second Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, and served during the Mexican War.  In 1848 he came to California, by way of Panama, and spent about a year in the gold diggings, when, in the latter part of 1849, he came to Santa Clara County.

        March 20, 1851, he was married, near Santa Clara, to Amanda Senter, a daughter of Judge Isaac and Rebecca (McIntyre) Senter. After his marriage he was variously engaged until the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, when, being a firm Union man, he took an active part in keeping the State of California loyal to the government, and became a captain in the State Militia. In 1863 he was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Regiment of Artillery, California Militia, by Governor Stanford; and in 1864 commissioned, by Governor Low, Colonel of the Fifth Regiment of Infantry Volunteer. Early in the war he was commissioned a Provost Marshal by President Lincoln, with the rank of Captain, having his headquarters at San Francisco. He was a genial gentleman, and as an officer he performed his duties with promptness and ability, and with an honesty of purpose; and, if anything, leaned to the side of leniency when duty demanded a rigid and severe execution of the laws. He was honorably discharged October 15, 1865. On returning to civil life, he settled with his family on a ranch in the vicinity of Santa Clara, January 11, 1870. He was a Free Mason and a member of Santa Clara Lodge, No. 34, F. & A. M.

        Mrs. Jackson still survives him, and, although still owning the ranch, she is a resident of Santa Clara. She had six children: Franklin, of Arizona; Mrs. Ada Lovell, wife of John Lovell, Santa Clara; Newton S., of Santa Clara; Charles, a farmer of Santa Clara County; Clara, still with her mother; and Wilber, a law student. Mrs. Jackson and her children are members of the Episcopal Church at Santa Clara.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 535



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight