Bio- Sawyers

—A native son of California, Andrew J. Campbell was born on the summit of the Santa Cruz Mountains, October 16, 1865. His father, Wm. J. Campbell, was born in Ohio of Scotch descent. He married Miss Celinda Braffett, also a native of the Buckeye State, who was of French descent. In 1851 they started across the plains for California, making the journey of six months in an ox-team train to Placer County, where Mr. Campbell followed mining until about 1857, when he located on government land which he cleared, improved and engaged in stockraising; later he set out orchards and vineyard. In time he sold this place and purchased another which he also sold and in this way he owned several ranches. He died on his ranch in Highland district at the age of forty-eight years, leaving his widow and nine children. The mother sold the ranch and purchased another in the Summit district, where she reared the family, giving them the best school advantages within her reach. She was a splendid woman of strong character and when she passed away in 1915 at the age of seventy-eight years, she was deeply mourned by her family.

Andrew J., the sixth oldest of the family, attended the local schools and assisted on the home farm. After his father died he continued to aid his mother until he was twenty-one, when he began for himself, engaging in teaming, hauling lumber and wood from the mountains to Los Gatos. using a six-horse team. He continued in this line for about fifteen years. when he quit to engage in orcharding. being employed on the Burrell place since 1907, and he has lately leased this place. The fifty-five acres is devoted to raising prunes, pears, plums, cherries and grapes, and with the care he gives it. is an excellent producer. He is a member of the California Prune & Apricot Association. In his political views he gives his support to the Republican party.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1113


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight