Bio-Pen Pictures


            The subject of this sketch was born in Garrard County, Kentucky, on March 22, 1836. When one year of age his parents removed to Platte County, Missouri, and took up land, and in this vicinity Mr. McAfee resided until twenty-five years of age, gathering a practical education from a busy life of labor, and gleaning such book learning as is obtainable at the public schools.  In 1863 he went to Leavenworth, Kansas, and for eight years was a master builder in the government employ.  He then returned to Missouri, residing in Harrisonville, Cass County, where he erected a large public-school building and other important edifices.  In 1874 Mr. McAfee came to California and at once entered the works of the Pacific Manufacturing Company, in Santa Clara, as draughtsman and foreman of the works.  He has remained with them ever since, his skill and practical experience as an architect and builder standing them in good stead.

            Mr. McAfee is a man of the times, one who has risen by sheer force of brains, and although without technical education has, by his natural aptitude for applied mechanics and the mechanical arts, arrived at a certainty of knowledge excelled by few.  His long and satisfactory performance of his duties with the company, the efficient direction of the varied and extended operation of the works, and his steady and persistent advancement of their best interests, manifest his fitness for positions of responsibility, and his ability to manage extensive affairs.

            Mr. McAfee was married, in 1863, to Mrs. Paine, a native of Louisiana, whom he met while visiting Missouri.  They have four children:  Flora, Jesse, Mattie and George Andrew, all residing with their parents at their handsome residence in the Davis and Chapman tract between San Jose and Santa Clara.  Mr. McAfee was a member of the Town Council of Santa Clara for eight years, sending in his resignation on April 1, 1888, on moving outside the town limits.  He has also been a member of various county committees, and has frequently been solicited to stand for offices in the election gift of his fellow-citizens, but has invariably refused, feeling that the calls of private duties and the engagements of business precluded public service.  He is a member of the Masonic Order, holding an honorable place in Friendship Lodge, No. 210, Howard Chapter, No. 14, R. A. M., and San Jose Commandery, No. 10, Knights of Templars, and also a member in good standing of the A. O. U. W.  Mr. McAfee’s father was named George, a mechanic and practical man.  His grandfather and his two brothers came out from Scotland and accompanied General Boone into Kentucky when it was a wilderness, being pioneers of that State.  His mother was of English descent.  Both his parents died in extreme old age in Missouri.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 283-284
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight