
A veteran of the Civil War who has been very prominent in Educational circles in California is Prof. Alfred Farley Hills, who was born in Westfield, Vt., July 13, 1845, a son of James D. Hills, who was born in Windham, N. H., of English ancestry, his forefathers coming from England to Massachusetts in 1638. Professor Hill's mother was Caroline French, who was born in New Hampshire of an old Massachusetts family traced back to England. The father removed from Vermont to New Hampshire, where he was a farmer; he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church and Roth passed away in New Hampshire, leaving six children, three of whom are living: Mrs. Charlotte A. Abbott and Albert French, a twin brother, who served in the Civil War in the same company and regiment as Mr. Hills. When Alfred F. was a child of four years his father moved to Hollis, N. H., and there he received a good education in the public schools. Leaving his books he enlisted on September 28, 1861, in the Seventh New . Hampshire Volunteer Infantry and served for three years and three months without a day off. He was at Fort Wagner, the siege of Morris Island, Olustee, Fla.; siege of Petersburg, and at Richmond. He was mustered out in December, 1864, at Concord, N. H., and honorably discharged. After remaining at home a year he engaged in clerking in Boston for a time and then entered Pinkerton Academy at Derry, N. H., where he prepared for Harvard and where he was graduated in 1872 with the degree of A. B. Coming out to Illinois he taught school at Pittsfield for two years and in 1874 removed to California. He taught school at San Gregorio and then at San Mateo for five years, after which he was principal of schools at Half Moon Bay in San Mateo County, then taught in various counties in California, with four years in Arizona and two years in Nevada.
During this time he made his home in Santa Clara County on his orchard home near Campbell, which he had purchased in 1882. About five years ago he retired from teaching and now gives his time to caring for his orchards embracing eleven acres of splendid land devoted to raising prunes, apricots and apples, his place being located on the San Jose-Los Gatos Highway.

Professor Hills was married at Idagrove, Iowa, August 20, 1884, being united with Miss Harriette G. Barber, a lady of culture who has aided him in every way. She was born at Derry, N. H., a daughter of Joseph Fuller and Nancy (Moulton) Barber. The father was born in Boston. Mass., in 1808, and the mother in Hookset, N. H., May 3, 1821. The Barbers are traced back to Samuel Barber, who came from England and was an early settler in Massachusetts. One of his descendants, Mrs. Hills' great-grandfather, Samuel Barber, served in the Revolution and was at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The Moultons are also an old New England family. Joseph F. Barber owned a wharf and was also a ship owner. After his marriage he removed to Derry, N. H., purchased a farm and was thus employed until the family removed to Woburn., Mass., where he resided until his death, while his widow died in Iowa. Mrs. Hills was educated at Adams Female Academy and the Pinkerton Academy. After teaching at Chester for a year she spent three years in Woburn, Mass., and then came out to Galva, Iowa, where her brother, Clarence Barber, was a stockman. The acquaintance with Mr. Hills back in New England was renewed and resulted in their marriage. They have one child, Ethel, the wife of Ralph E. Williams of Campbell. Mr. Hills was one of the original members of the board of trustees of Campbell Union high school. While teaching in Mono County he was president of the county board of education. He was a member of Ocean View Lodge No. 143, I. 0. 0. F., at Half Moon Bay, and is a member of E. 0. C. Ord. Post No. 82, G. A. R., having served as commander of the post and as an aide on the staff of Department Commander Martin. Mrs. Hills is ex-president of E. 0. C. Ord. Relief Corps. Los Gatos, and was secretary to the Department President, Alice M. Gillette. Prof. Hills is a member of the Harvard alumni. Well read and a ready speaker he is an interesting conversationalist.

 Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1121


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight