Golden State Ranch-Moreland District, San Jose

 Bio-Pen Pictures

        Among the fortunate possessors of large farms in this fertile section of the State, is the subject of this sketch, who owns 225 acres of as choice land as can be found in the county. The property is situated on the Williams road, in the Moreland District, and is known to the old settlers as the Golden State Ranch. It is one of the oldest as well as one of the most productive farms in that part of the county. In 1887, 3,600 sacks of barley were harvested as a volunteer crop. Mr. Farrington bought the property in March, 1885, and took possession of it soon after.

        He dates his birth in Brant County, Ontario, Canada, September 26, 1849. His father, Adam Farrington, who was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, died before his birth. His mother, Mary Ann (Trimble) Farrington, who was born in County Longford, Ireland, but of Scotch ancestry, makes her home with the subject of our sketch. She is the mother of four sons, viz.: William, a capitalist and real-estate dealer of San Jose; Archibald, a resident of East San Jose; James, who lives in Brant County, Ontario; and Adam, whose name heads this sketch. The two oldest brothers became residents of, and operators in, California in 1865, and Adam left Canada and joined them in Nevada, 1872. Ten years later he bought his present home, and has since been a resident of this county.

        Mr. Farrington returned to Canada for his bride, Miss Elizabeth Abrey, who was also born in Brant County, and with whom he was united in marriage on the twenty-fifth of April, 1877. There are three children by this marriage: Archibald, Sarah May, and William J., all of whom are " baptized into the faith" of the Episcopal Church, under the teachings of which all the Farringtons were reared. Adam Farrington and his two brothers are counted among the most successful men of the county. Possessed of wealth, and of enterprising and progressive spirit, they are justly considered valuable members of society, in every relation of life, whether private or public, business or social. All of them are Republicans, and fully in accord with the principles of their party.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 433-434


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight