The Valley of Heart's Delight




Among the enterprising orchardists of Santa Clara County mention should be made of Albert E. and Augustus C. Williams, who own and operate fine orchards in the Cupertino district. The father, Samuel R. Williams, settled on this ranch during the year of 1870, when it was wild land with a growth of timber and brush. Samuel R. was a native of Canada West and was born June 25, 1828. The paternal grandparents were James and Anna (Weise) Williams and they were both natives of Canada. Samuel grew up on his father's farm and was able to attend the public schools. He remained with his parents until he was twenty-four years old, when, in April, 1852, he was married to Jane Hume, also a native of Canada. He bought 100 acres of land in the same township, and began farming for himself and lived there for three years. During the year 1833 he sold his property and removed to California. He went into the mines in Nevada County and worked there for three years, but he met with only nominal success. He then returned to Canada and engaged in the tannery business in the township of Camden, remaining there until 1866, when he sold his business and again came to California. He then spent two years in the mines at Virginia City, Nev.; then settled in Yolo County, Cal., and followed farming for two years.

In 1870 he removed with his family to Santa Clara County and located in the Cupertino district, where he cleared 100 acres of land and set it to grapes. He worked the land for three years and received for his services a deed to fifty acres; later he took two of his sons into partnership with him and together they conducted the ranch, which was mostly set to vines, which yielded them handsome returns each year.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams had five children. Albert Edward was born in Canada, June 27, 1861, and was nine years old when his parents removed to Santa Clara County, where he attended the public schools and the College of the Pacific; later took a business course in Seattle. After finishing school he returned to the ranch and assumed his share of the work. In national politics he is a Socialist; fraternally he belongs to Cupertino lodge, I. O. O. F. Augustus C. is also a native of Canada and was born December 23, 1863. He received his education in the public schools of Santa Clara County. He was interested with his father in the home place and in 1886 received his deed to his property from his father, which was set to grapes; later the vines were removed and all planted to orchard, which has been carefully cultivated and is now bringing good profits for his labor. He married Miss Ada Mabel White, born in Canada, and they are the parents of one child, Mabel Hume. In politics he is independent, supporting and voiting for the candidate best fitted for the office; fraternally he belongs to the Woodmen of the World. He has served his district as school trustee. Both brothers are "boosters" for Santa Clara County and can be depended upon to support all progressive measures.

Transcribed by Marie Clayton, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 573