The Valley of Heart's Delight

Blacksmith/Carriage Repair

BIO-Pen Pictures


ALFRED DENNING resides near the corner of the Almaden road and Orchard Street, at the southern limits of San Jose, at which point he has a blacksmith and carriage-repairing shop. He is located in a section of the county that makes his work a desirable aquisition, and being a thorough mechanic and master of his calling, he is well supported by the community in which he resides. In addition to his repairing of wagons and agricultural implements, he also manufactures such wagons as are required by orchardists, and others engaged in like callings. The subject of this sketch was born in Stockton, California, January 29, 1857. His parents, John H. and Rachel J. (Crumes) Denning, were natives of Indiana, who came to California in 1856. His father located in Stockton, where he was engaged in farming and stock-raising until his death, which occurred in 1866. After the death of his father his mother married Matthew Sweetland (since deceased) of Stockton. Mrs. Sweetland is now (1888) living in Loudan City, Fayette County, Illinois. Mr. Denning was engaged at school until twelve years of age, when he became an apprentice to Joseph Reeley, a blacksmith in Jenny Lind Township, Calaveras County. He worked at this calling about four years, then for several years was engaged in various occupatins, among which was farming, sheep-shearing, and blacksmithing. During this time he lived in different counties until 1885, when he located in Monterey County. In this latter year Mr. Denning was untied in marriage with Miss Agnes E. Antoine, daughter of Joseph and Jennie (Wyllie) Antoine, residents of Castroville, Monterey County. Her father was a native of Portugal, her mother a native of Scotland, of Scotch descent. He resided in Monterey County until March, 1888, when he came to Santa Clara County, and established the shop before mentioned. Mr. Denning is a thourough mechanic and master of his profession, straightforward in his dealings, and reliable. He takes an intelligent interest in the affairs of the day; is a Democrat, but conservative and liberal in his views.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 245 Transcribed by Carol Lackey