Moon Automobile Company of San Jose, Bertelli & Figone


One of the most progressive and well-known young business men of San Jose is Angelo Bertelli, who has been a resident of this city for several years. He was born in Milano, Italy, June 4, 1886, the son of Giovanni and Cecilia (Negri) Bertelli, both natives of Italy, the father being a merchant in his native country. Angelo received his education in the schools of Milano, and having early determined on the line of work he wished to follow throughout his life, when but sixteen years old he took up the trade of a mechanic and for about ten years followed this line. In 1913 he decided to leave his native land, and on arriving in America he went on to Evanston, Ill., and later, with the small capital he possessed he opened up a garage, known as the Dempster Street Garage, and in connection therewith he had a large storage and general repair shop, employing twelve men. He was meeting with much success, when the severe cold, which made serious inroads on his health, made it necessary for him to seek a warmer climate. He disposed of his business and came to California in 1916, and for five months was proprietor of a garage in Dixon, Solano County. When the garage was sold, he came to San Jose, arriving here January 1, 1917. He found the wagon shop at Market and Pierce streets for sale, with the rent only twenty-five dollars a month, so he bought it for $750 and took over the lease. Later he sold out the stock and made a profit of $3800, besides retaining some of the tools and machines, and then opened up a garage which he called the San Jose Auto Repair Shop, and also engaged in the buying, selling and exchanging of machines. His business soon assumed large proportions and he took in a partner, Peter Figone, continuing under the same name. Both worked early and late and their patrons soon learned the value of their services, finding that they could always find Mr. Bertelli on hand to attend to their wants immediately. He took over the agency of the Texan and the Loraine automobiles and then bought the property, 186 by 192 feet.

In 1919 Mr. Bertelli took the agency for the Moon automobile and dropped his other agencies to give all of his time to distributing the Moon car over Northern California. changing the name of the business to the Moon Automobile Company of San Jose, Bertelli & Figone, owners. In 1920 he opened a large show room in San Francisco at 1125 Van Ness Avenue, but finding that the two places took too much of his time, he sold the San Francisco agency in 1921, keeping the six counties of San Mateo, Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Luis Obispo, having seven sub-dealers in these counties, with service stations for the Moon car. In the meantime business had grown so that it was necessary to have larger quarters, so he rented his place and bought the Locurto Motor Company. Here he has a modern, up-to-date plant, equipped with electric power, completely fitted for service and battery work of all kinds, and with a fine display room for all types of Moon cars. He is also the owner of other valuable property in San Jose.

On September 22. 1914, Mr. Bertelli was married to Miss Naomi Berttolani, a native of Lucca. Italy, and the daughter of Attilio and Ersiglia Berttolani. One daughter has been born to them. Elsie. Mr. Bertelli is a member of the Italian-American Club and of the California Auto Trades Association. In politics he is a Republican.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1591


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight