ARTHUR BERRYMAN

Ten Mile House

Bio- Pen Pictures


Arthur Berryman was born in Cornwall, England, April 22, 1834, where he was reared and educated in the common schools.  His mother died when he was about ten years old, and his father died there in 1857.  In 1854 Arthur left England and located in Sykesville, Carroll County, Maryland.  The next spring he went to Minersville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, in the coal region, and in 1855 he came to California, and located in Amador County.  In 1857 he left California and went to Chili, and then, in 1862, to Bolivia.  From Bolivia he went to Peru early in 1864, returned to California in August, the same year, and for a time mined at the Almaden and New Idria quicksilver mines.  He remained at the New Idria mines from December, 1865, until 1876, employed in various capacities, when he went to San Francisco, where he remained for two years.  In 1878 he went to British Columbia, where he remained six months, and then returned to San Francisco.  In December, 1878, he went to Lower California, but returned to San Francisco in May, 1879.  In a short time he went to the Guadaloupe quicksilver mines, in Santa Clara County, where he remained until May, 1882, when he came to Los Gatos, and went into the hotel business as proprietor of the Los Gatos Hotel, formerly known as the Ten Mile House, on the old stage road running from San Jose to Santa Cruz.  When he assumed charge of the hotel it contained but nineteen rooms, but a year afterward it was considerably enlarged by the addition of a two-story building, twenty-eight by one hundred feet, the old hotel now forming the south wing of the building.  The hotel now contains forty-one sleeping apartments, and is well furnished throughout.  In September, 1887, he gave up this business, and soon after engaged in the real-estate and insurance business, under the firm name of A. Berryman & Co.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 326

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight