Bio-Pen Pictures

of the Hamilton District, on Moorpark Avenue, is in charge of extended horticultural interests. Tiring of city life, Captain Cash, in connection with friends in San Francisco, determined to seek a home where pure air and water and equable temperature could be found in conjunction with a bountiful soil, adapted to successful fruit-growing. With this purpose in view, he visited different parts of the State, and finally decided that Santa Clara County represented all the conditions that he desired. He selected 125 acres of contiguous land (then part of a grain farm) in the immediate neighborhood of his present residence. In 1883 this land was purchased for $200 per acre, and subdivided into eight nearly equal parts. The original purchasers were A. B. Cash, C. F. Wyman, H. C. Neff, S. H. Wagener, L. P. Smith, A. S. Pierson, and Wm. M. Kincaid. One or two changes in ownership have since been made. Except Mr. Wagener, the present Postmaster of San Jose, the purchasers were San Franciscans. As soon as possible, Captain Cash erected a fine cottage residence, and commenced improving not only his own, but also all of the other divisions. April 1, 1884, tree-planting was commenced, and was concluded two weeks later, each tract being planted two-thirds in prunes and one-third in apricots, reserving on each place a space for a small family orchard of a general variety of fruit. In 1887 the apricots were in partial bearing, an average of sixty pounds to the tree being gathered. All the orchards have been well cared for, under the superintendency of Captain Cash, and are thrifty and promising.

He is as yet the only one of the purchasers living in the district, but as soon as the orchards come into full bearing it is expected that all the places will be occupied, adding largely to the social interests of the neighborhood.

        Mr. Cash dates his birth at Leroy, Genesee County, New York, May 20, 1844. He is the son of Reuben and Louisa (Drury) Cash. In 1858 the family removed to Detroit, Michigan. There the subject of this sketch finished his youthful education, and, while yet too young to be called into service, patriotically volunteered his services in defense of the Union. Enlisting in September, 1861, his first service was in General Custer's Brigade, in the Army of the Potomac. After General Sheridan was transferred from the West to the East, Captain Cash served under him until the close of the war. Veteranizing, he witnessed the closing scenes of the great drama, near Five Forks. He participated in many historic engagements, among them the battles of Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Cedar Creek, Winchester, and others in the Shenandoah Valley. Except when suffering from wounds or temporary sickness, he was always with his regiment, which participated in over eighty engagements—battles and skirmishes. He was wounded at South Mountain and at Gettysburg. After the close of the war, with the regiment, he made a campaign in Northwestern Dakota, on Powder River, Little Big Horn River, etc. On the twentieth of December, 1865, he received an honorable discharge. In his service he passed through all grades, from private to captain, and in each case did his duty, like a true soldier.

        At Utica, New York, October 1, 1873, Captain Cash was married to Miss Mary Kincaid, daughter of George and Elizabeth Kincaid. She is a native of Utica, where she was born October 27, 1848. Her mother died in 1871. Her father was one of the pioneers of California—one of the '49 men. He followed mining in this State successfully for six or seven years, but finally returned to Utica, New York, where he now resides.

        Captain Cash is identified with the Republican party. He is prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of Friendship Lodge, F. & A. M., of San Jose; Blanchard Chapter, Bay City, Michigan; Captain-General of the San Jose Commandery; and honorary member of Detroit (Michigan) Commandery, and of Golden Gate (San Francisco) Commandery. He has conferred upon him the thirty-second degree of Scottish-rite Masonry.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 545-546 


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight