Bio- Sawyers


Dairy interests of Santa Clara County find an enterprising representative in Andre Azevedo, who by his practical, progressive and scientific methods has made the Vendome Ranch one of the show places in Northern California. He keeps abreast of the times in every way and his diligence and determination have brought to him well-deserved success. He was born on the Isle of St. George, in the Azores, January 10, 1874, the son of John Mattos and Izabel (Santos) Azevedo. For many years the father successfully engaged in general farming, but he is now living retired on that island at the age of eighty years, and the mother also survives.

Mr. Azevedo is the fourth in a family of thirteen children and he acquired a fair education in the public schools of his native island, on which he continued to reside until his seventeenth year, when he sought his fortune in the United States, six of the family having already preceded him to this country. Landing at Boston, Mass., he journeyed to San Mateo, Cal., and for a season was employed in driving the horses for a hay press, receiving $1.50 per day. In October, 1891, he went to Point Reyes, in Marin County, where he worked for two years, after which he went to Sausalito, and with his hard-earned savings purchased a one-eighth interest in the White Kitt Ranch, near that place. Owing to the general business depression then ,existing throughout the country, he made slow progress and at the end of twelve years removed his share of the business, consisting of eighty head of stock, to another ranch, becoming a partner of Manuel S. Casho, and for five years they were associated in dairying. Mr. Azevedo then acquired possession of the dairy, which he later removed to Novato, forming a partnership with M. T. Freitas, now a retired capitalist of San Rafael. This relationship continued successfully for nine years, when the business was sold to Messrs. Hill & Kilpatrick, its present owners, and while a resident of Novato Mr. Azevedo was instrumental in organizing the Novato Bank, of which he remained a director until recently.

In 1919 Mr. Azevedo came to the Santa Clara Valley and became one of the owners of the Vendome Dairy, located on the Brokaw Road. north of San Jose. His business associates are F. S. Soares, M. A. Silveira and Frank Scamas, all of whom are prominent residents of San Francisco, and proprietors of the San Francisco Dairy Company. They lease 420 acres, of which 300 acres are situated near Alviso, while the 120-acre tract is located on the Brokaw Road, where Mr. Azevedo resides, and they are the owners of 300 head of 'stock. The Vendome Dairy furnishes employment to eleven men, is modern, sanitary and well equipped. Mr. Azevedo possesses that expert knowledge of his occupation which can come only through long practical experience and is ably and intelligently conducting the dairy, which he has made one of the models of its kind in this section of the state.

On September 25, 1899, Mr. Azevedo was married to Miss Anna Bettencourt, who came to California with her brother in 1893, locating at Sausalito. Four children have been born to them: Manuel, a resident of San Rafael, married Miss Rosa Matos, of Novato, by whom he has one child; John, of Sunnyvale, Cal., married Mary Machado, the daughter of F. A. Machado, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume; Andrew and Eva are attending school. Mr. Azevedo gives his political allegiance to the Republican party and is a member of the Church of Five Wounds at East San Jose. He is a charter member of the Milk Producers Association of San Francisco, and for the first four years following its organization was a member of the board of directors. He is a member of the Ancient Order of Druids and is also identified with•the U. P. E. C., the I. D. S. I., of which he is a past officer, and the I. D. E. S., of Oakland, Cal., of which he is the supreme officer.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County, California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1586


Bio- Sawyers

 A dairy rancher whose prosperity is the natural result of his foresight and unremitting industry, is Joseph C. Azevedo, whose trim farm is at the corner of Storey and King roads, in San Jose.  He was born in Oakland, on March 31, 1896, the son of Joe and Catherine (Silva) Azevedo, natives of Pico, in the Azores Islands, who come to California in 1890.  They settled in Oakland, and had a dairy farm there.  Five children blessed this union: Lida, who died in infancy; Evelyn, now Mrs. Fonti; our subject, Joseph C., of this sketch; Antone, who died in 1920 at the age of eighteen; the youngest passed away in infancy.

Joseph commenced his schooling in Oakland, and when he was twelve years old he accompanied his parents to Contra Costa County, where he finished with his books.  Two years later, when fourteen, he set out to make his own way in the world, and commenced to work on ranches in Walnut Creek; and when he was eighteen years old, he returned to Oakland and for two years worked as a painter in the locomotive shops.  After that he removed to San Jose and established himself in dairying; and he succeeded so well that he came to have sixty cows, continuing there for three years.

On October 13, 1917, however, he entered the service of the U. S. Army; and he was sent to Camp Lewis, where he joined the Three Hundred Sixty-fourth Infantry, Company I., Ninety-first Division, and in July 1918, he was sent to France.  He had qualified as a sniper before leaving America and on arriving in France, he was transferred to the automatic rifle squad.  After training for two months he was in the reserves of the St. Mihiel drive, and took part in the Meusse-Argonne first offensive, and was then sent to Belgium, where he participated in the operations of the Ypres-Lys salient.  When the armistice had been signed, he was sent to Herzeele, Belgium, for a month, and then to France, and in march, 1919, commenced the return journey to America.  In April he was honorably discharged at Camp Kearnev and the he returned to San Jose.  He is a member of the American Legion and a Republican in politics.

On February 14, 1920, Mr. Azevedo was married at San Jose to Miss Mary Texiera, a native of Sausalito, and the daughter of Joseph and Rita (Lacerda) Texiera, experienced and successful dairy ranchers still living on the White Road in Santa Clara County.  Mr. Azevedo is in partnership with his father and now they have about 240 head of cattle, 150 being milch cows and a very fine dairy ranch.  His barns are modern and most sanitary and equipped with milking machines.  He is a charter member of the San Francisco Milk Producers Association.
transcribed by Susan Schooler, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County, California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1391



Among those whose labors are contributing to the development of the dairy industry in the Santa Clara Valley is numbered J. E. Azevedo, an enterprising, wide-awake and progressive young man, who is acting as foreman, of a a large dairy farm near Lawrence Station and is proving fully equal to the responsiblities of this important postion.  A native of California, he was born in Marin County, on January 12, 1900, his parents being Andre and Anna (Silvera) Azevedo.  The father, a prominent dairyman, is operating the Vendome Ranch, in the Santa Clara Valley, one of the finest agricultural properties in Northern California.

In the public schools of Marin County J. E. Aze­vedo acquired his education, and when not busy with his textbooks his time was spent in his father's dairy, so that he obtained a thorough knowledge of the business under the capable instruction of the latter. When a young man of eighteen the son came to Santa Clara County, and although but twenty-one years of age he is now foreman of one of the largest dairy farms in the entire valley. The ranch, which con­tains 550 acres, is situated near Lawrence Station and is owned by J. B. Enright, of Santa Clara, who leases the property to F. A. Machado, a prominent financier and expert dairyman and head of the Milk Producers Association of San Francisco. The build­ings are thoroughly modern and the dairy, under the capable management of Mr. Azevedo, is operated along the most progressive and efficient lines, so that the enterprise is proving a most profitable one. Careful training has given him a comprehensive knowledge of the dairy industry and he is thus well able to direct the labors of his four assistants. Mr. Azevedo puts up a large quantity of hay each season in order to supply the stock, which is of high grade and consists of forty-eight young cattle, four regis­tered bulls and 182 milch cows.

On January 26. 1921, Mr. Azevedo was married to Miss Mary Machado, a daughter of F. A. Machado, and they are popular in social circles of the com­munity. Mr. Azevedo has inherited much of his father's business ability and acumen and is rapidly forging to the front in dairy circles of the Santa Clara Valley. He is yet a young man, and judging from what he has already accomplished, his future career will be well worth the watching.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1456



Bio- Sawyers


As the president and manager of the American Dairy Company, one of the model institutions of its kind in San Jose, Manuel Theodore Azevedo is counted among the progressive men of the city and county.  He was born in Portugal on October 15, 1870, the son of Manuel T. and Marianna Genevieve Azevedo, who were both natives of that country and spent their entire lives within its confines.  Manuel Theodore received his schooling in his native land and, at the age of seventeen, in 1887, left home for his journey to America.  He arrived in Boston on October 6, and at once began his journey across the continent to California, going direct to San Mateo, where he secured work on a dairy and for three years worked as a ranch hand, at the same time that  he was learning the ways of the American folks.  He was frugal and saved his money, and in 1890 he leased land and began dairying for himself, spending in all fourteen years in San Mateo County.

     He had met with a fair degree of success in his ventures, and his next move was to Napa County, where he continued his business three years.  The lure of the alfalfa country about Newman, Stanislaus County, next drew the young man’s attention, and he moved down there and conducted a dairy until 1916, when he disposed of his holdings to good advantage and came to San Jose and bought an interest with Manuel Lewis, and they took over the old American Dairy delivery and at once organized the American Dairy Company.  As soon as Mr. Azevedo became identified with the concern they purchased the property at the corner of Seventeenth and East Santa Clara streets and erected suitable buildings and equipped them with the most modern and necessary machinery, and on August 1, 1916, they moved from their old location to the new.  The actual working time spent in erecting and equipping the plant was forty days.  In 1917 their business was incorporated and Mr. Lewis became the president.  Eighteen months after they began business Mr. Azevedo disposed of part of his stock in the company and went to San Francisco and engaged in the hotel business for two years.  Then he came back to San Jose and bought the controlling interest in his old company and assumed the entire management, and ever since there has been a steady growth.  As the business has expanded he has kept adding equipment from time to time and now has one of the most sanitary plants to be found in Santa Clara County.  A force of twenty-three people are necessary to carry on the business and there are five delivery wagons and five auto trucks used in delivering their products to their customers.  Besides their own products the company handles the Isleton butter.  Mr. Azevedo is a stickler for sanitation and cordially invites the public to inspect his model plant.

When Mr. Azevedo married he chose for his wife Mrs. Emily Belcher, and the event was celebrated in Oakland.  In politics Mr. Azevedo is a stanch Republican, and fraternally he holds membership in the Woodmen of the World, the United Ancient Order of Druids and the Portuguese Fraternis; he is a live wire in the San Jose Chamber of Commerce and the San Jose Progressive Club; and belongs to the Catholic Church.  He is a loyal American and during the World War participated in all the drives for funds.  He is honorable in all his dealings and is well deserving of his success.

transcribed by Susan Schooler, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County, California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1578


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight