Bio- Sawyers

Few men have been associated more actively and none more honorably with the financial and political history of Northern California than Hon. Alden Anderson, who grew up and was educated in San Jose, Santa Clara County, and is now president of the Capital National Bank of Sacramento, and actively associated with a number of other financial institutions and enterprises that aid in the advancement of the county and state. Wide has been the influence exerted by him in the banking circles of his portion of the state and varied as have been his commercial connections, they have been equaled by his intimate identification with the public life of the commonwealth and by his patriotic participation in the upbuilding of his community.

A native of Pennsylvania, Mr. Anderson was born in Meadville, Crawford County, in October, 1867, while his parents were at their old home on a visit. His father, J. Z. Anderson, is elsewhere represented in this volume. With such educational advantages as were afforded by the public schools and the University of the Pacific, Alden Anderson began to earn his own livelihood at a very early age, his first occupation being that of an assistant in the fruit business conducted by his father. During 1886 he went to Suisun City, Solano County, and embarked in the fruit industry for himself, later drifting from the growing of fruit into the shipping of same. From that place he came to Sacramento in 1902, and afterward disposed of his interests in Solano County. From his arrival in the capital city until the year 1908 he acted as vice-president of the Capital Banking and Trust Company. When he disposed of his stock in that concern he removed to San Francisco, where, until July 1, 1909, he held office as vice-president of the Anglo-London Paris National Bank, and until February, 1911, served by appointment as superintendent of the Bank of California.

During 1911 Mr. Anderson made a protracted continental tour of Europe, Asia and Africa, returning to Sacramento December 1, 1911, at which time he purchased the Capital Banking and Trust Company, and of this institution under its present title of Capital National Bank, he officiates as president. Mr. Anderson's place in the banking circles of Northern California is one of assured influence and increasing responsibility. He also helped to organize a number of other banks in the Sacramento Valley in the management of which he actively participates. He was president of the company building the electric line from Sacramento to Stockton, which aided an enterprise of the greatest importance to the permanent upbuilding of the rich agricultural region through which it passes. His home is graciously presided over by the lady whom he married at Rockville, Cal., March 2, 1893, and who was Miss Carrie L. Baldwin. There is one daughter in the family, Miss Kathryn.

Any account of the life activities of Mr. Anderson would be incomplete were no mention to be made of his association with the political history of the commonwealth. Elected to the assembly in 1897-99 and 1901, he soon became a force in the Legislature. Measures for the benefit of his district received his stanch support, nor was he less earnest in the promotion of all movements for the welfare of the entire state. In 1899 he was selected as speaker of the house, and he filled that difficult post with the same tact and ability displayed in every relation of public life. A still higher honor awaited him in 1902, when he was elected lieutenant-governor of California, and he filled that eminent position for four years, retiring with the good will of the party he had served with such fidelity and distinction. It would seem impossible for a citizen having so many duties in public office, in business connections and in banking circles, to enter with any activity into fraternal and social circles, but Mr. Anderson has not allowed his existence to be dwarfed into a tedious round of irksome cares. On the other hand, he has enjoyed society with the same enthusiasm characteristic of his identification with the other opportunities of life, and at different times he has been a leading member of the Bohemian, Pacific Union and Family clubs and Union League, all of San Francisco, and the Sutter Club of Sacramento, also the Woodmen and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Practical philanthropy, whether exercised privately or through the medium of fraternal organizations, receives his steadfast support, and movements inaugurated and inspired by a desire to help the needy, to encourage the depressed or to uplift the fallen, have benefited by his sagacious counsel and sympathetic participation.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 796
transcribed by Joseph Kral



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight