Hugh Stephenson Jones
Gilroy Township

Alley Bowen

HUGH STEPHENSON JONES.  The subject of this biography, whose portrait appears in this work, is a native of Madison County, Kentucky, where he was born, January 9, 1832.  When quite young, his parents moved to Monroe county, Missouri where they resided until they left for the Pacific coast.  On March 10. 1849,  they commenced the arduous undertaking of crossing the plains, by the southern route, to California, and arrived at San Jose in the following January.  After remaining there some months they proceeded to Merced county, but staying there only a short time, came back to Santa Clara County in the township of which name, the father, William Jones took up a track of land.

 Here Mr. Jones, Senior, farmed until his death, in October, 1865.  In 1852-53, the gentleman now under notice, attended the old brick school in Santa Clara, where he finished his education, and in 1854 returned to Monroe county, Missouri, via Panama and New Orleans and married, in Bowling Green, Pike county, Missouri, March 22, 1854, Mary F Blaine, a native of Virginia, who died August 17, 18?3.  May 1, 1851 Mr. Jones once more came to California by way of the plains, bringing with him a drove of cattle, and came direct to Gilroy township, where he has since been interested.  He is the owner of a farm of six hundred acres, and a  fine mountain range, about three miles east of Gilroy on which he is principally engaged in stock-raising.  Mr. Jones has held the office of School Trustee of the San Ysidro district for ten years, and has been a member of the Masonic order since 1857.  Married, secondly Henrietta Freeze, a native of Germany, January 1, 1872, by whom he has Lee, born June 1, 1873l; Maud, born  August 31, 1875; George, born October 6, 1877.  The children by his first marriage are Corinne, born May 17, 1856; Henry, born November 29, 1859; William, born April 12 1861; Charles, born July 9, 1863.
 History of Santa Clara County, California :
San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co., 1881
page 615-16
transcribed by c feroben